Senin, 23 November 2015

an event in my school

Hi guys,
Today I would like to talk about an even in our school, Senior High School 3, Bandung (SMA 3 Bandung). The event is Qurban. It is an Arabic letter  means to close to The  God by doing this command. The command  is slaughtering a certain animal during the Iedul Adha Day and there days after which is called the days of tasyrik. Then, the meet have to distribute especially to the poor people and others.

The conduct the even of Qurban the students of SMA3 Bandung usually organize a  Qurban committee called Aqidah.  The task of the committee is to organize fun rising, purchasing and slaughtering the animal and distributing the meet as well. The slaughtering maybe conducted in the SMA3 and in the rural area  mostly in habited by poor people or slump area.

At the end at of the event, the student eat together  then evaluate the conducting event.

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